
3 things in communication

3 things

(This version follows situation-complication-resolution style of presentation. I haven't performed a literature review and this blog entry can include non-original content.)
Preamble in one sentence: communication entails the combination of modalities, disambiguation, and interfaces for both sender and receiver in any process step during creation, consumption, and co-creation.. I wish to cover more about solution part in successive posts.
This post is a working, tentative document and will be updated with the following information.


In recent years, the abanduance of the information makes it very challenging to scan, skim, and understand, much less argue or debate while the information is being processed. This blog entry aims to propose the mechanism that can assist some of readers, viewers, and receipients of the communication, if not done synchronously in a group setting, and to suggest the same type of clarification during creation of variouos inputs including blog entry to an opinion raised in Pol.is..

The following three elements are essential to accomodate the differences of the recipients. I believe you have already noticed this page IS a clear anti-pattern of the communication.

  1. multiple presentations in diverse modalities to share and discuss ideas in ways that are better received
  2. disambiguation mechanism to get nuanced texts to highly solid ones
  3. effective, controlled use of various interfaces for quetions to respond them more promptly with its increased, irrevocable influence.
graph LR A[idea]-->B[modality] A --> C[disambiguation] A --> D[interfaces] C --> E1[in production] C --> E2[in consumption]



Three characteristics are evident in the prevalence of less engagement that is seen in fast-forwarding YouTube or watching/reading summary, of misinterpreted intention and content, and of preference to receive instant, swift responses from human or machine agents.

graph LR Z0[modality]-->|may resolve| B[less engagement caused by a single mode of presentation] Z1[disambiguation] -->|may resolve| C[misinterpreted intension/content caused by ambiguity] Z2[interface] -->|may resolve| D[belated responses or clarification caused by no interaction during consumption]


Everyone has different learning styles and tends to use their unique way to comprehend communicated messages. Some may percive the message more quickly and deeply if it is presented in spatial visual presentation. Other may prefer to listen to the passage. Main streams of dissemination, however, are centered around video and short messages in social media or other platforms.


Many may overlook the degree of misinterpretation because most readers would rarely undergo the comprehension test of the message. The message written in natural language is bound to leave options to read the passage differently where various components may refer to different words, phrases, pronouns, and antecedents. It is quite challenging to write sentences without ambiguity, much more when the document is meant for diverse readers or receivers of messages.

The relative distance between the languages may help us understand the issue. When you are reading a translated version of non-English from the original in English language, the distance between English and Spanish or German is much smaller than that between English and Korean or Japanese. During the process of translating a pair that are very far from each other, collaborating translators may engage in much deeper and longer discussion to agree on or compromise on the meaning and translation of the concerned segment of their work.


It is usually the types of media that controll how people are obliged to follow the communication in specific order and forms of presentation. The most available forms of media over the last few years are videos and blogs. Both of them would usually mandate the level of abstraction and sequence of the presentation of the information.
As it has been witnessed very often, the other mannaers may help the recipient end to consume the information.

situation interdepence

The elements mentioned may slow the comprehension or make people feel less related because the loss in communication may come greater as the loss can multiply through multiple levels. For example, if the interface allows only the forced speed at which the video viewer follows the material. It causes more of miscommunication or indifference if the person gets confused, but the confusion is left unresolved.


The complication guides the design of solutions.


We consume the information and relate ourselves in different ways for different reasons. The types of solution include (1) paragraph, (2) manga, (3) video, and (4) spatial.

graph TD B[modality] B --> G[paragraph] B --> H[Manga] B --> I[video] B --> Z1[spatial]

The paragraph aims to provide the different levels of abstraction in text. Text may morpoh the body into the selected details.


We may both produce and consume the information in an arbitrary way by each person unless, for the production, ambiguity is clarified, and for the consumption, the correct understanding and interpretation are indicated and provided.

graph TD C[disambiguation in production and consumption] C --> CA[definition] C --> CB[explanation] C --> CC[intention]

First and foremost, it is often neglected, but the definition of a word or phrase can mean varous things. Even though the intended reader may usually understand the aimed intension, the true meaning of the word may differ from person to person.
The ambiguity can be clarified during the process of how the content is created, and received finally or repeatedly . In creating a message, the authering tools for blog or video can advise the original owner to provide clues to avoid misunderstanding while the style can remain to let the receiver wonder. Those appreciating the content can help each other to enrich the message to help others understand while they continue to retain the original message.


We are already used to instant response powered by so many agents and services. These interface helps us to provide much more relevant reaction to the receiving end.

graph TD D[interfaces] D --> E[ChatGPT] D --> F[NLI/NLG] D --> G[Kairu, the Dolphin]

Probably seeming temporarily omnipotent, ChatGPT acts as a 24x7 assistant with a limited certainty. This type of instant step-by-step, guded consumption will boost, or at least sustain, the level of understanding and engagement.

graph LR A[idea]-->B[modality] A --> C[disambiguation in production and consumption] A --> D[interfaces] B --> G[paragraph] B --> H[Manga] B --> I[video] D --> E[ChatGPT] D --> F[NLI/NLG] C --> CA[definition] C --> CB[explanation] C --> CC[intention]