
TED2024 TED translator topic suggestion

As a contiuation of the suggestion that I made in the year 2023 (see the linked page here) to put priority on disambiguation, modalities, and interfaces, below are the items that I am hoping that TED and its translators can consider engaging in the discussion at TED2024 translator gathering that explores the options for (1) quicker translation, (2) new collaborative working environments, (3) different experiences, and (4) walkable details. The topics drive the further advancement of the humanity and the ideas to those who need to encounter and receive.

My TED2023 suggestion has become clear immense immediate threats and opportunities for TED, recommending that TED translators provide context of each talk in addition to translation with augmented process, which is not currently accomplished with the automatic translation that is currently being tested, and collaborately produce assets in different modalities that are in not in traditional 3 to 18 min. speech format, and project the content into different shapes including chat agents (some more WIP thoughts here). In the year 2023, we have seen so many proven, triumphant examples of generative AI's modality creation potentials llike TED2023 talk by Tom Graham, under the title of "the incredible creativity of deepfakes -- and the worrying future of AI," which soon may come in indistinguishable avator that can have comfortable conversation with TED visitors, and even in different modalitie.

Looking further into the future, TED2024 TED translator gathering dedicated for translator delegates can offer the delegates and the TED community, ranging from the leaders for TED localization, which term may also indicate the context is localized to its audience, to the conference paricipants, an opportunity to picture the future of using the platform of TED Conference where the platform can (1) provide firm translations within 5-10 days for most of the languages, (2) allow collaborative translation platforms such as GitHub like public, more radical ones, (3) further enhance the experience of feeling the talk that may walk through, virtually or in a different xReality, the experience of the speaker, prior to, during, and postorior to watching the talk in more traditional recommended way, which Head of TED, Chris Anderson, constantly promotes the specific way to navigate the viewers step-by-step, going through stepping stones, and (4) explore the talk by exploring the constellation of reactions toward the talk or the actions that TED talk accelerated and by talking to such opinions captured and generated from the collected reactions.

The item number 1, faster turnout of translation follow the process that starts from mediocre drafts to developing into the interim final version with the collaborative, community helps to ensure the successsful reflection to the content. This will ensure the correctly contextualized dissemination of the message. At the end of the process, the aut-translated subtitis with the context using multi-party LLMs including the leading three to five models will be reflected to both the subtitles of the talk on TED.com site and YouTube, and the public storage like GitHub so that it can start mediation activities immediately after the roughly agreed but quality assuranced for the core values and facts.

The item number 2, collaborative translation platforms, which may co-exist with the current platform, Caption Hub, such as GitHub, can facilitate new edits or discussion of the talk where previous conversation to disambiguate and around the context have been historically stored. The rich experience and community practice of public collaborative edits are widely, openly available in the community of GitHub and other practices.

The item number 3, enhanced experiences powered by technologies and theories of modality is up-to-date, more high-fidelity experience that can feel the joy, and the pain that is opt-in for the diverse viewers. This may make the visitors feel the talk relevant to them, which experience may feel so remote in many cases. The item number 4, talk expoloration, will enable the audience to explore other sides of the story based on the growing assets of the internet with the carefully pre-classified filters or filtering steps like CRAAP which humans usually use them to assess the trustworthiness of the sources.

Looking back at TED2023 proposal of mine, the situation requires more of disambiguation, modalities, and interfaces and many predict further changes in the landscape, which may also encourage the TED community to provide (1) quicker translation, (2) collaborative process, (3) different experiences, and (4) more nuanced details.. The means proposed for both TED2023 and TED2024 will be essential for the future participants and audience of the TED Conference platform.